What do you mean Word Processing
What do you mean Word Processing
A word processor is a program which processes textual matter and create documents. A word processor program is a highly improved computer software which removes all the limitations of conventional typewriters. Gone are the days when typewriters wear the only mode of creating documents. Editing without cutting or erasing the words or mistakes was not possible on the typewriters.
. Moreover
multiple copies could not be extracted on the typewriters. The word-processor
programs have removed all the limitations of typewriters by providing various
powerful features of creating an editing documents in a number of ways.
Features of word processors
(1) Typing in a word processor is very fast since there is no mechanical
carriage movements. When there is an end of the line, the matter (word) automatically
jumps to the next line without pressing enter key. This feature of the word
processors is called word wrap.
(2) A document in a word processor may be very length and run into hundred
pages. It is not possible to view whole of the document in a single screen
since the capacity of screen is limited. Word processors provide facility to
scrolling. Due to this feature, the document can be viewed on the screen
through peeping from a window. The text can be viewed in 4 directions up, down,
left and right.
(3) The margins of the document can be set in the word processors. A certain
margin can be set for left, right, top and bottom margin to give a better look
the documents. All the word processor programs have their default values for
top, bottom, left and right margins.
(4) Word processor programs can accommodate a certain amount of text on a
single page. When the text or matter exceeds this limit, then there is
automatic page break-up and the matter is continued on the next page when the
limit exceeds. The limit of text to be accommodated on a single page is as per
the default value of the word processor program but this limit can be changed
(increased or decreased).
(5) The editing is possible in a very simple way in the word processor. Text
can be added, deleted or changed anywhere in the documents.
(6) Word processor programs provide various text formatting features. Text
can be highlighted, underlined, italicised etc. Size of the text can be
increased or decreased. Various types of front can be selected.
(7) Word processors have a feature of find and replace. You can replace a
particular word with the new word.
(8) Feature of protection of a document is also available in word processors
through the use of password.
(9) Object linking and embedding is possible in the documents. Various types
of charts, objects, pictures etc can be inserted in the documents.
(10) Mail merging is a powerful tool of the word processor programs. Through
this feature, a number of letters can be sent to a number of persons in a
single run.
Wonderful writing